Thursday, July 30, 2015

Atonement: Coming of Age as a Writer

Briony as a Young Writer: British Library 

July 28- Day 1
The Magna Carta inspired many key documents throughout history, including: the U.S. Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. 

Coming of Age during War: Imperial War Museum

July 28- Day 2

This fishing boat, Tamzine, is the smallest surviving 'Little Ship' that helping rescue soldiers, like Robbie in Atonement, from Dunkirk in 1940. 
This Elsie Hewland painting depicts schoolchildren getting ready for nursery school; nursery schools were essential during the war for working mothers. Just as in the novel, wartime changed the lives of even the youngest Britons. 

Briony's Atonement: Florence Nightingale Museum

July 30- Day 3

Just as Briony in Atonement, as a child, Florence Nightingale was an avid young collector. Similar to Florence's collection depicted here, Briony kept her more obscure treasures in "An old tin petty cash box..." 
Florence Nightingale was famous for her work at Scutari, a Military Hospital in Turkey, during the Crimean War.  The 'Lady-in-Chief' improved medical and sanitary arrangements, set up food kitchens, washed linen and clothes, wrote home on behalf of the soldiers, and introduced reading rooms.


  1. I also captured the photo by Elsie Harwood. Crazy to think these babies were having to grow up at SUCH a young age...

  2. Nice images you chose! I especially liked the painting you captured, as it truly does give insight into how all British civilians were involved and effected during the war, and it didn't matter what social class or age you were.

  3. Fascinating selection of details from two of our three site visits. What struck you as significant about how the MC was used by later generations that might be relevant to our understanding of the ethics of writing?

    1. Professor Steele, I found it really interesting that the Magna Carta started out as a very narrow document for the agreement of peace between the King John and his barons and over time morphed into a very broad document used by many to defend their rights. The document has so many different interpretations and shows how the same text can be perceived in many ways.

  4. I love the fishing boat. Such a cool artifact in that museum. Good find.

  5. I appreciate how you noted all of Florence's achievements and duties in the war. These experiences probably gave her inspiration for her writing later on in her life, just as Briony's lie in her childhood as well as her service in the war inspired her writing.
