Thursday, July 23, 2015

A Room with a View: Coming of Age as a Traveller

Lucy as Grand Tourist: John Soane Museum
July 21- Day 1

Images of bribery are abound in this satirical scene depicted in the second painting of Hogarth's Election Series, Canvassing for Votes. Those who went on a grand tour learned about democracy (fairness and morals as a culture), and bribery certainly is not acceptable! 
Lucy as Traveller: National Gallery
July 22- Day 2

In Apollo and Daphne (1470-80) by Antonino del Pollaiuolo, the image exhibits the battle between chastity and lust, as Apollo pursues Daphne and she transforms into a tree to preserve her purity. 
In The Combat of Love and Chastity by Gherado di Giovanni del Fora, love cannot penetrate the shield of chastity. The idea of the shield parallels Charlotte and her Victorian ideals in A Room with a View as she tries to protect Lucy from George. 
Lucy on Views: Tate Britain
July 23- Day 3
Rome, from the Vatican. Raffaelle, Accompanied by La Fornarina, Preparing his Pictures for the Decoration of the Loggia (1820) by Turner uses the people in the center of the painting as the focus point, showing that the people and the culture are what one should focus on when traveling. 
Palestrina - Composition by Turner (1828) continues to present the idea that as a traveller one should focus more on the journey and the experiences gained rather than the "tourist attractions", as the viewer's eye is drawn toward to the people and the road.


  1. Like Aubrey, you found a number of images that capture the active battle women were asked to wage to preserve their purity. It gives one a new appreciation for the opportunities and choices for modern women, who may or may not wish to be active (or still), employed or dependent throughout their lives.

  2. I love that you mentioned seeing sites other than tourists ones; I feel like I need to work on that as well
